K9 Kenzo
K9 Kenzo is a former police K9 at Pima County Sheriff’s Office in Tucson and was placed with Police Deputy Chris Rodriguez. K9 Kenzo was Deputy Rodriguez’s second police K9 throughout his law enforcement career as a Police K9 handler and a member of the Arizona Law Enforcement Canine Association (ALECA).
K9 Kenzo was KIA on 10/27/23, serving 1 year and 10 months in active duty with the Pima County Sheriff’s Office.
Deputy Rodriguez describes K9 Kenzo as full of energy and quick-witted. Throughout his training, Deputy Rodriguez quickly realized that K9 Kenzo was very reliable.
The evening of October 27, Deputy Rodriguez received a call for a potential armed robbery. Prior to arriving on the scene, other officers attempted to apprehend the suspect, however the suspect fled on foot. After Deputy Rodriguez and K9 Kenzo arrived, they set up a perimeter based on intel from the other officers.
After multiple attempts and callouts to the suspect with no surrender, Deputy Rodriguez gave the command to K9 Kenzo to seek and apprehend.
After 2-3 minutes with no return or response, Deputy Rodriguez re-called to K9 Kenzo. After still no response, Deputy Rodriguez and the other officers entered the perimeter and came upon K9 Kenzo who they found seriously wounded apparently by the suspect.

Multiple live saving measures and attempts were made, however, tragically, K9 Kenzo was pronounce deceased upon arrival at a local emergency animal hospital.
K9 Kenzo was KIA while saving multiple officers, civilians and the suspect’s life. His bravery and sacrifice will continue to be honored within the Pima County Sheriff’s Office, ALECA and Deputy Rodriguez.